tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:/posts Right Here, Right Now 3.0 2024-11-28T03:14:22Z tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/2155218 2024-11-26T00:21:29Z 2024-11-26T00:21:35Z Shawn Colvin, Full Concert from 2007

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/2155183 2024-11-25T23:38:24Z 2024-11-28T03:14:22Z It's been a while

Let’s fire this back up with some recent favorite music.

The start of “I Can Never Say Goodbye” reminds me of Macklemore. Do with that what you will

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1576654 2020-07-24T18:39:50Z 2021-08-18T06:18:23Z Busy New Music Month

There's a lot of new music this month that I'm liking:

And live albums (what do you do when you can't tour? Release a live album):

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1141363 2017-03-24T22:33:47Z 2021-08-18T06:28:22Z After Promising Not To Talk Business With Father, Eric Trump Says He'll Give Him Financial Reports

Not even faking it anymore


tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1137745 2017-03-11T17:12:46Z 2017-03-11T17:12:46Z My Work Here is Done. CNN puts up a Grifter Site http://www.cnn.com/specials/tv/the-lead-conflict-of-interest-watch]]> tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1134013 2017-02-24T22:33:28Z 2017-02-24T22:35:27Z In Today's Mail.
I have a guess - there's only one "L" person I routinely annoyed. :-) 

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1132194 2017-02-17T18:50:21Z 2017-02-17T18:50:21Z Trump family’s elaborate lifestyle is a ‘logistical nightmare’ — at taxpayer expense


George H.W. Bush was the last president to serve with adult children. I don’t remember any discussions about the cost of protecting his kids.

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1129791 2017-02-09T02:21:23Z 2017-02-09T02:21:23Z Most recent news on the Grifter In Chief From the NYTimes: "A lawsuit filed by Melania Trump depicts her heightened profile as a “unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to make millions of dollars in business, once again raising questions about the relationship between President Trump’s official role and his family’s business interests.”

She’s alleging in this law suit that, as a result of being First Lady, she can clean up and and the amount she can clean up by is reduced by the defamation of a tabloid.

Second, from his “official” Twitter account (@potus), DJT slams Nordstrom for dropping his daughter’s shoe line(!?):

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1127693 2017-01-31T21:28:11Z 2017-01-31T21:30:15Z The Republican Fausts

David Brooks:

“...it is hard to think of any administration in recent memory, on any level, whose identity is so tainted by cruelty. The Trump administration is often harsh and never kind. It is quick to inflict suffering on the 8-year-old Syrian girl who’s been bombed and strafed and lost her dad. Its deportation vows mean that in the years ahead, the TV screens will be filled with weeping families being pulled apart.”

(a slight correction to Mr. Brooks - the 8 year old was an American citizen.)


tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1127413 2017-01-30T23:44:52Z 2017-01-30T23:45:52Z Trial Balloon for a Coup?

Fascinating, well sourced, paranoia. Of course, it’s not paranoia if they really are after you.


tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1126301 2017-01-26T16:54:01Z 2017-01-26T16:54:02Z NYTimes: How to Make America’s Robots Great Again
While the Reps are building walls...

"American factories still make a lot of stuff. In 2016, the United States hit a manufacturing record, producing more goods than ever. But you don’t hear much gloating about this because manufacturers made all this stuff without a lot of people. Thanks to automation, we now make 85 percent more goods than we did in 1987, but with only two-thirds the number of workers."


Why a huge government investment in robots may be a great way to help American workers.
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1126136 2017-01-26T01:50:28Z 2017-01-26T01:50:28Z The president is an idiot (part 53)
Trump heard (1st or 2nd hand, depending on who you want to believe) that a white non-citizen couldn’t vote, but brown people were able to, so ‘voter fraud’.

At some point, I think Trump's going to embarrass even Mitch McConnell. (who, as far as I can tell has no soul. At least not a sense of hypocrisy.)

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1126020 2017-01-25T17:57:57Z 2017-01-25T17:57:57Z Mar-a-Lago membership fee doubles to $200,000 I know, I’ve been quiet lately. Stunned even. :-)

Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach resort owned by the Trump Organization, doubled its initiation fee to $200,000 following the election of Donald Trump as president.

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1120260 2017-01-03T20:56:17Z 2017-01-03T20:56:17Z Bipartisan Group of Orgs and Individuals ... Calls on Trump to Divest

"In a letter sent today to President-elect Trump, a bipartisan group of organizations and individuals with expertise in governance issues called on Trump to divest his business enterprises or face serious conflicts of interest and Emoluments Clause problems as president.”

"The 29 signers to the letter included Republicans and Democrats, liberal and conservative groups."


tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1119411 2016-12-31T02:35:32Z 2016-12-31T02:35:32Z Mar-a-Lago sold tickets to New Year’s Eve party with Trump


tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1115007 2016-12-13T04:17:41Z 2016-12-13T04:17:41Z President-Elect Trump Postpones Business Conflicts Announcement

Of course.


tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1114651 2016-12-11T21:49:49Z 2016-12-11T21:51:10Z Boeing pledges $1 million for Donald Trump's inaugural events After Trump lies about the new, still-under-development, Air Force One:

It’s still being designed, so it could be more or less, but the current estimate is less by a quarter.

Boeing contributes $1 million to Trump’s inauguration.

(h/t PixelEnvy)
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1114459 2016-12-10T23:28:18Z 2016-12-10T23:28:18Z Daring Fireball: Derangement
Nice take down. 

Click the link to get the full 360 degree head spin. 


On the Trump response to the news that the CIA found Russian involvement in the election:

Put aside that every single word of that state is false. (It was George W. Bush’s White House that claimed to be convinced that Iraq had WMDs, not CIA intelligence officers. The election was only a month ago — we’re still closer to election day than we are to Trump’s first day in office. Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and his Electoral College win ranks 46th out of 58 in history.) 
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1114449 2016-12-10T21:11:37Z 2016-12-10T21:12:38Z ExxonMobile Oil Russia Deal On Hold Due to Sanctions In an article from April, 2016:

Glenn Waller, the head of ExxonMobil operations in Russia, said on Tuesday that the company will return to its joint oil project with Rosneft in the Russian Arctic once sanctions against Moscow are lifted.
In an article from today:
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name the chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) as the country's top diplomat, NBC News reported Saturday.
From McClatchy:
Putin’s association with Tillerson goes back to the 1990s, when Tillerson ran Exxon’s Russian operations. In 2013 the Russian president awarded Tillerson the Order of Friendship, one of Russia’s highest honors for foreigners.
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1113423 2016-12-06T21:32:53Z 2016-12-06T21:32:54Z These people do not think the normal rules apply http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-borgias-of-pennsylvania-avenue.html

These people do not think the normal rules apply to them and so far there’s no reason to believe that any of the Trump family or the Kushner family plan to sacrifice anything in order to serve the public. In fact, all the evidence shows they plan to take full advantage of their connections. Just this past weekend, it was revealed that when Ivanka met with the Japanese prime minister her company was in intense negotiations with a major Japanese retailer — which is partially owned by the Japanese government. They’re just going for it.
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1112910 2016-12-04T23:14:49Z 2016-12-04T23:25:12Z NY Times on the Trump family entanglements.

It’s hard to pick out one quote. You’ll have to read it.


tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1112367 2016-12-02T01:16:37Z 2016-12-02T01:16:37Z Trump - The man of the people

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1112012 2016-11-30T21:01:48Z 2016-11-30T21:14:11Z Trump and the Blind Trust, with a nod to Obama. NPR has a nice summary of the blind trust issues with a brief survey of recent conflicts.

Two weeks ago, the Washington Post pointed out that Trumps “adult kids” are, in fact, participating in the transition. And because we live in the era of ' "War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery.”’, there’s an actual discussion of what constitutes a blind trust. Vanity Fair suggests Mitt Romney had already moved the bar at the presidential level.

From the Vanity Fair article: "As a freshman senator, Barack Obama—whose wealth comes almost entirely from his book royalties—set up a blind trust but later that same year sold all of his stocks and closed the trust because he decided that even such an arrangement could not protect him from the appearance of a conflict. Most of his wealth is now invested in U.S. Treasury bonds and diversified funds—about the most transparent option available. What’s good for the country is good for Obama, and vice versa, to coin a phrase.”

The Obama presidency is relatively scandal free. As far as I can recall David Petraeus is the only administration official convicted of a crime. And, as far as I can recall, this is the first administration since Jimmy Carter that a senior staffer hadn’t been convicted of a felony during the administration.
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1111823 2016-11-30T00:59:31Z 2016-11-30T00:59:31Z McConnell says he won’t recuse himself from wife’s cabinet confirmation
Don’t expect Congress to keep Trump in line.

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1111822 2016-11-30T00:36:47Z 2016-11-30T00:36:47Z The Emolument Clause
“The American public has a right to know that the President of the United States is acting in their best interest, and not because he or she has received some benefit or gift from a foreign government like Russia or China or any other foreign entity,”

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1111821 2016-11-30T00:34:25Z 2016-11-30T00:35:26Z NY Times: Potential Conflicts Around the Globe for Trump, the Businessman President http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/us/politics/donald-trump-international-business.html?_r=0

Mr. Trump has acknowledged a conflict of interest in Turkey. “I have a little conflict of interest because I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” he said during a radio interview last year with Stephen K. Bannon, the Breitbart News executive who has since been designated his chief White House strategist. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers — two towers, instead of one. Not the usual one. It’s two.”

These tangled ties already have some members of Congress — including at least one Republican representative — calling on Mr. Trump to provide more information on his international operations, or perhaps for a congressional inquiry into them.

“You rightly criticized Hillary for Clinton Foundation,” Representative Justin Amash, Republican of Michigan, said in a Twitter message on Monday. “If you have contracts w/foreign govts, it’s certainly a big deal, too. #DrainTheSwamp”
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1111815 2016-11-30T00:02:05Z 2016-11-30T00:02:05Z That Ship Is Sailing Elaine Chao, who has held various posts in Republican administrations, is proposed as Secretary of Transportation in the new administration.

During GHW Bush’s administration, she served as Deputy Administrator of the Maritime Administration.

Her family owns a shipping company. 

tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1111770 2016-11-29T19:21:24Z 2016-11-29T19:21:24Z GSA's Trump Hotel Lease Debacle
As the clock ticks down towards President-elect Donald Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration, the window is rapidly closing on the General Services Administration’s opportunity to extricate itself from the Trump Organization’s lease of the historic Post Office Pavilion. The lease—in which Donald Trump would, in effect, be both landlord and tenant—now presents unprecedented and intolerable conflicts of interest. 


(h/t Daring Fireball)
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1111459 2016-11-28T18:36:09Z 2016-11-28T18:36:09Z Why Corruption Matters Paul Krugman explains all.

Remember all the news reports suggesting, without evidence, that the Clinton Foundation’s fund-raising created conflicts of interest? Well, now the man who benefited from all that innuendo is on his way to the White House. And he’s already giving us an object lesson in what real conflicts of interest look like, as authoritarian governments around the world shower favors on his business empire.
tag:blog.leehinde.com,2013:Post/1110061 2016-11-22T18:48:53Z 2016-11-22T18:48:53Z The Grifter In Chief met with the NYTimes today

My favorites:

"Trump acknowledges the DC hotel he owns is "probably a more valuable asset than it was before." Says the brand is "hotter.””

"Trump on his businesses/conflict q's: "The law's totally on my side, the president can't have a conflict of interest.”"

