Marathon Man - Week Three

I just returned from the group run. On the way back I was thinking about my goals for this process - what do I want to get out of training for a marathon. This is what I came up with:

1) Get in shape and develop exercise habits I can maintain after the marathon.
2) Raise some money for a good cause.
3) Finish the marathon.

The goal review came up because I overslept this morning  and so I jammed to get out of the house and to the meeting spot. I was about 15 minutes late getting there. I checked in and did my 40 minutes and came home. So, no consequence to being late. But also, no consequence to doing the 40 minutes there as opposed to here.  That's of some importance because the group run next week is a 45 minute drive from home. 

So far the value point in the Team in Training has been the training schedule. I think it's different for most of the other runners in the group. Statistically, I'm an outlier. I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest runner and only one of two men in the group.  And when I say I'm the oldest, I'm older by 20-30 years in most cases.  Others in the group are getting a social benefit which I think is part of the design.  I'm not. I'm the cranky old man.

What I'm still hoping for, and the reason I'll still attend the group runs, is some direction on the ancillary parts of the training, learning how to warm-up properly, stretching, etc. So far it's not so much of an issue because I'm really not stressing myself. Which is, in and of itself, progress and a testament to the training schedule. I mean, I just ran (albeit slowly) 40 minutes and I'm no worse for the wear. 

So, I'll keep going to the group runs and maybe I'll become a smarter runner.

Fortunately I have other resources, friends and colleagues who are runners who, this week, have provided advice on stretching, pain management and even vitamins.

It's all good.

Again, if you're just joining us, this is all about me running the CowTown Marathon this October as a fund raiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Details can be found here.  You can make donations here.