This Month's Amazon $5 album deals Albums I'm glad I waited for: Neko Case, Middle Cyclone Them Crooked Vultures Recent Albums I have and can recommend: Fleet Foxes, Helplessness Blues Wye Oak, Civilian The Civil Wars, Barton Hollow There are a bunch of oldies but goodies, but you already have them, right?What do you recommend?(curious how the blogging software handles this)
The Civil Wars on the Tiny Desk Concert. These two are getting tons of much deserved exposure. They're gonna have to get business cards printed that say "Yes, we're married, but no, not to each other."
5 Miles Another nice evening run. Did I mention this is a fundraiser? I'm off to volunteer for the Western States 100. Squaw Valley to Auburn. On foot.
My Forehead is Approaching Adlai Stevenson Proportions. I was able to find myself in this picture by the glare off my forehead., by the way, The Civil Wars put on a great show.(For the kids: Adlai Stevenson)