Keeping Perspective When You Have a Really, Really Big Problem

Keeping Perspective When You Have a Really, Really Big Problem: " Social conditioning teaches us that losing someone close to you, getting a divorce, or being diagnosed with cancer are huge, life-wrenching issues. But that's merely the ego's perspective. In the grand scheme of human existence, such problems are about as common as dirt."

I just started following this blog, based on a link that looked interesting. The site is a little touchy-feely, but this quote resonates.

New Toys

Scroll to the bottom of this page and you can see what I'm listening to at work. As my favorite software vendor might say, 'why would you want to do that?'

Because you can, of course. :-)

What? They don't teach House at UCSC?

Lilah Says:
"Also, when I'm sprawled alone across the floor of the dining room, just staring at the ceiling and not paying attention to much, the house makes strange noises. They're not scary noises like house sounds have been before, but subtle things as though it were stretching, or maybe trying to say Hi. I'm sorry 228 Pearl St, I don't speak house."

Too cute for its own good

I like interesting web technologies, but sometimes things can be over done. This site, Python Grimoire, strikes me as over done. Mouse over the text areas on the right. notice the appearing and disappearing buttons? Click on an index entry on the upper left side. Cute animation?

Does it add anything to the process?

It could be worse, part 5,423

There's a blogger stationed in Antarctica.
There you have it, I have officially spent the longest time continually washing dishes on this continent according to the National Science Foundation. One day, I bet, there will be a place here called "Phil's Fork in the Road." Or maybe they'll name the bowl in a mountain after me. Dishwasher's Bluff. That has a good ring to it.

Thanks to BoingBoing for the link.

80% of Republicans...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
I do 40 speeches a year in red states, and there is no difference between how Republican audiences and Democratic audiences react when they hear what this White House and this Congress are doing. There is no difference except that the Republicans come up afterward and say, "Why haven't we ever heard of this before?" I say to them, "It's because you're watching Fox News and listening to Rush." Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats who don't know what's going on. (emphasis added.)

Civil Rights photos

Found this on BoingBoing and forwarding it on.

Photos from Civil Rights activities in Alabama in the 50s/60s, never before published.

West End High School students protest the enrollment of Patricia Marcus and Josephine Powell, who were inside. Marcus and Powell were attending their first classes. West End High students boycotted classes as part of their protest.

It's fun (ok, I find if fun) to grab one of the names and google it and see what turns up.